Asset Allocation

Investment practice that divides funds among different markets to achieve diversification for risk management purposes and/or expected returns consistent with an investor’s objectives.  

At Best

An instruction given to a dealer to buy or sell at the best rate that can be obtained at a specific time.

At or Better

An instruction given to a dealer to buy or sell at a specific price or better.

Aussie (AUD)

Aussie is a slang term that is used to describe the Australian Dollar. If you are looking for the etymology, it’s called Aussie merely to differentiate it from the other Dollars like U.S.. Dollar, which is named Greenback. Likewise, the Canadian Dollar is called Loonie.

Awesome Oscillator

Awesome Oscillator (AO) is an indicator which reflects precise changes in the market driving force which helps to identify the strength of a trend including the points of its formation and reversal.


The total financial result of all fully executed transactions and deposits/withdrawals to/from an account

Balance of payments

It shows the balance of a country’s overseas payments and payments incoming from abroad over a certain period of time.

Bar Chart

A charting style which displays 4 important pieces of price information per unit of time: the time unit’s high and low (as displayed by the vertical line, the open price (which is displayed with a small horizontal line on the left side of the vertical line) and the close price (which features a small horizontal […]

Barrier Level

A certain price of great importance included in the structure of a Barrier Option. If a Barrier Level price is reached, the terms of a specific Barrier Option call for a series of events to occur.

Barrier Option

Any number of different option structures (such as knock-in, knock-out, no touch, double-no-touch-DNT) that attaches great importance to a specific price trading. In a no-touch barrier, a large defined payout is awarded to the buyer of the option by the seller if the strike price is not ‘touched’ before expiry. This creates an incentive for […]