We review the top forex brokers on the market, we provide walkthroughs on account creation, tutorials on forex trading  platforms,  and we test strategies, indicators  and signal providers. All findings are presented to you though videos so you can easily pick what best works for you!

#BrokerYearRegulatedBroker TypeMin DepositInfo
12017FCA / CySEC / NBRB Market Maker$10InfoOpen Account
22006ASIC / CBI / CySEC / PFSA ++ ECN / STP$100InfoOpen Account

2005 ASIC / CySEC / ESMACFD / ECN$100InfoOpen Account
42008FCA / ASIC / CySEC / ++Market Maker$100InfoOpen Account
52009CySEC / FCA / BaFin / ++ Market Maker$5InfoOpen Account

2007ASIC / AFSL / CySEC / ++Market Maker $200InfoOpen Account
71998FSC MauritiusMarket Maker$5InfoOpen Account
82012FSAECN / STP$25InfoOpen Account
92009IFSC / NAFDECN / STP$1InfoOpen Account
102002KNF / FCA / CMB / ++NDD / STP$1InfoOpen Account
111989FCA / ASIC / MAS / ++Market Maker$1InfoOpen Account
122015CySEC / FCA / FSANDD$25InfoOpen Account
132006FCA / CySEC / CNMVNDD, ECN$100InfoOpen Account
142001FCA / CNMVMarket Maker$100InfoOpen Account
152007RAUFR / CySEC / ++ECN / STP$1InfoOpen Account
162001FCA / CFTC / NFACFD / STP$100InfoOpen Account
172005CySECECN$1InfoOpen Account
182010CySEC / FSC / FSB / ++STP / ECN$50InfoOpen Account
192006ASIC / CBI / CySEC / ++ECN / STP$100InfoOpen Account
202009IFSCECN/ STP / MM$10InfoOpen Account
211999ASIC / FCA / CySEC / FSCANDD$50InfoOpen Account
222010ASIC / FCA / DFSA / ++ECN$200InfoOpen Account
231998FINMAECN$100InfoOpen Account
242008CySEC / ASIC / FSCA / ++Market Maker$100InfoOpen Account
252009ASICECN$200InfoOpen Account

We Create Our Own Accounts

For every Forex broker, platform, strategy and signal provider we review we create an account and we spend 2 weeks on it trying it out to check what they have to offer, treating it as a normal client would do. From depositing funds, trading, to withdrawing and contacting support!

We Create Videos With Our Findings

Upon spending enough time on the Forex Brokers, platform, strategy or signal provider. We create a detailed video with the process of opening an account , the findings, the tricks and anything else we  found useful operating our normal account.

Continuous Research,
Improvement & Feedback

Every year new Forex Brokers, strategy and signal providers enter the market, and we will try to keep up with them reviewing them, creating walkthrough videos and providing our findings to you, to help us please provide feedback so we can become better!