
The apportionment of premiums and discounts on forward exchange transactions that relate directly to deposit swap (interest arbitrage) deals, over the period of each deal.

Accumulation Area

The accumulation area represents a period of implicit buying of shares, typically by institutional buyers, while the price remains fairly stable. On a price chart, the accumulation area is characterized by sideways price movement on above-average volume.

Accumulative Swing Index (ASI)

The Accumulative Swing Index (ASI) is a trendline indicator used by traders to gauge the long-term trend in a security’s price by collectively using its opening, closing, high and low prices

Address (Crypto Address)

A secure identifier marked by a unique string of characters that enables payments to an individual or entity. It usually requires a private key to exclusively access the funds. For example, Bitcoin addresses are alphanumeric strings that begin with a 1 or 3, while Ethereum addresses begin with ‘0x’. Bitcoin addresses are usually 26-35 characters, […]


Refers to a person’s cryptocurrency wallet public address (or key).


Official action normally occasioned by a change either in the internal economic policies to correct a payment imbalance or in the official currency rate.

ADR definition

An American Depositary Receipt (or ADR, for short) is a way in which US investors can trade shares of non-US companies without using their local exchanges.


A trading account management algorithm in a form of a program engineered in MetaQuotes Language 4, that sends requests and orders to the server via the client terminal (platform)

ADX (Average Directional Index)

A technical tool for measuring a trend’s strength. This index works on a 0 to 100 scale. 0 indicates no trend at all. The closer the result is to 100, the stronger and more significant the trend is. ADX doesn’t indicate a trend’s direction, but only its power.

Alerts definition

An American Depositary Receipt (or ADR, for short) is a way in which US investors can trade shares of non-US companies without using their local exchanges.